
Qunari update by tmp7704
Qunari update by tmp7704

qunari update by tmp7704

We have to win the vote at the Landsmeet if you want to have a legitimate claim to the throne and the kingdom. Doing this will trigger Saving the queen quest (more on that in Denerim quests category) Alright, it's finally time for us to take Loghain down. Proceed to Eamon's office ( M71, 2) where you'll have a chance to talk to arl himself and to one of the servants of queen Anora. Description: This quest will begin in ( M71, 1 ). You can control the resolution by decisions made before the vote and dialogue choices you make after defeating Loghain in the. It's advised that most side-quests be completed before starting the Landsmeet There are many different possible ways to resolve the Landsmeet and a variety of outcomes for the four main characters: Loghain, Anora, Alistair, and the Warden. Warning: launching this quest begins the endgame section of Origins a number of previously visited locations will become inaccessible. Here, the Warden has the opportunity to influence who will rule Ferelden.

qunari update by tmp7704

The Landsmeet is a main quest in Dragon Age: Origins.

Qunari update by tmp7704